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Litany of the Four Last Things

Hear us from Thy heavenly throne,

JESU, Life of those who die,
Advocate with GOD on high,
Hope of immortality
Hear us, Holy Jesu.

THY Whose Death to mortals gave
Power to triumph o'er the grave
Living now from death to save,
Hear us, Holy JESU.

Thou before Whose great white Throne
All our doings must be show,
Pleading now for us, Thine own
Hear us, Holy JESU.

Thou Who Death was borne that we,
From the power of Satan free,
Might not die eternally
Hear us, Holy JESU.

Thou Who dost a place prepare,
That in heavenly mansions fair,
Sinners may Thy glory share,
Hear us, Holy JESU.

This (and the next four posts) comes from my dusty tome of hymns. I'm guessing it's an Anglican book of hymns, perhaps methodist or presbyterian. The rhythms and patterns of the year are marked out in the book in mostly helpful ways and there are different forms of sung corporate worship.  This litany , which although it is about the "Four Last Things" is in 5 parts and focuses on the coming King and what precedes of accompanies that coming, those singing it - do so, responding together calling for prayer to be heard and God's promise to be kept.

The focus here is rightly that in the midst of anticipating the future our gaze is doubly fixed: not only on what is coming but on what has been.  Jesus will come to judge and save because he came to be judged in order to save.  Each stanza of this sung prayer has that hope filled double-vision. We too must keep our eyes focussed in two directions: to the past of the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus as our Lord and Saviour and to the future promise of salvation for eternal life in Him who is the resurrection.

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that Day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing." 2Timothy 4:7-8


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